Thursday, 1 September 2011

Bye bye Blogger

Sorry Blogger your time is up!

I won't be updating this page any more so....

For you nice folks who visit here, could I please invite you to relocate to


Thursday, 18 August 2011

Comic Cuts: Brit Creators Reminisce!

Ace comic news site Broken Frontier are celebrating British comics with a week long flurry of articles and interviews. The Dandy gets some coverage with an insightful interview with editor in chief Craig Graham. A number of creators reminisce about their childhood favourites. I was pleased to be invited to contribute and you can read my few words here.


Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Final voyage?

Shed a tear comics fans. The Sea Dogs end their current voyage today in The Dandy. Hopefully the strip has been popular enough for a return voyage soon?

I have a new 6 part mini strip starting very soon in The Dandy so watch out for that!

Hooray for comics!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Rolf On..

This idea was rejected by the Dandy comic, but I liked it so drew it up anyway and here it is for you to enjoy... or not?


Saturday, 13 August 2011

Beryl the Peril - A box office smash!

Here is my second Beryl the Peril strip which kicked off the second of The Dandy's - Pass the Peril collaborations. Pleased with the way this turned out and hopefully I will get the chance to do some more.


Monday, 25 July 2011

Pass the Peril Returns

Hi, just a quick note to say that Beryl the Peril has returned to action in round 2 of 'Pass the Peril'.
I had the honour of kicking things off again. So why not head on over to The Dandy's facebook page and check it out.

And if you enjoy it please leave a comment.

Many thanks

Oh! And here is my contribution to Pass the Peril round 1. Enjoy! Artwork ©DC Thomson & Co. Ltd.

Friday, 15 July 2011

A bit too quiet!

Hi guys, sorry it's been a bit quiet on here recently. Basically I've been pitching a few ideas here and there and trying out a few new artistic mediums. Should have a couple of pieces finished to put up on here soon.

I'm trying out digital painting using my Wacom bamboo tablet, I'm really pleased with the results. I don't often paint, let alone digitally but it's something I've wanted to try for a while.

I returned to the hobby of painting war gaming miniatures after a break of probably 15 years! Blimey time flies. So loving that too. I hope to have some photos taken of some of my models to put on here.

The Dandy comic is being bombarded with ideas for silly comics, I'm hoping one will hit the target soon. If you have enjoyed either Daredevil Dad or Sea Dogs then please let the folks at the Dandy know, and who knows they may return. Here's some links:

Dandy website:
Dandy facebook:TheDandyComic
Dandy twitter: @DandyComic

If you want to follow me on twitter hit @sjbeckettdesign

I've had two weeks with no paying work and going into a third! Things are getting a bit nerve wracking. But hey I've been in this position a few times before and things usually work themselves out. We have these quiet times for a reason. Sometimes it's good to reflect and maybe be pushed to step things up a gear, which is what I certainly intend to do. Before Daredevil Dad got picked up by the Dandy last year, I had never actually written a comic! I had drawn loads but always worked with a writing partner. I've now written 22 published comic strips and I think I've convinced myself I can write... a bit.

I just want to say I seriously urge you to support all your favourite artists. Buy the comics, make known your likes and dislikes and let the editors know. It really does make a difference.

I'd love to hear your comments. Cheers!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Come back with my sausages!

After a weeks holiday, Cap'n Yap and the crew of the Black Flea return to the pages of The Dandy and discover that it's just not good to come between a Yeti and his sausages!

This issue sees the return of Mr Meecher, the Uncool Teacher by Will Dawbarn and the debut of Tiny's Temper by Stu Munro.

Want to join the fun? A trip to the news agents with a quid fifty is all it takes... Enjoy!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Pirate O' The Year

It's Dandy day and this week Cap'n Yap is in the running for 'Pirate O' The Year.

Does he win? Pick up your copy to find out. It's another packed issue which features a star studded trip to Dandytown swimming baths for Harry and His Hippo! And the awesome talent of Karl Dixon brings us some more Hysterical History, this weeks lesson... TORTURE!

And watch out because in next weeks issue there's a Bear Behind! Courtesy of Stu Munro.

Artwork © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Hand Over Your Sausages!

Poor old Cap'n Yap's tum is growling and to top it all, it's only fish on the menu. Bleeeurrgh!

Read this weeks Sea Dogs in The Dandy Out today.

And grumbling tums cause problems for Harry and His Hippo too!

It's a cracking issue for Wayne Thompson fans as we get a double page Bananaman adventure as our hero tries to catch criminal mastermind 'The Mouse'. And we get the first installment of 'Fu Schnicken the Kung Fu Chicken'. Bok bok!


Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Pesky Pests!

In this weeks Dandy the crew of the Black Flea have a pest problem to contend with. I'm sure it will end well... don't you think?

There's lots to enjoy this issue with the continuing adventures of the worlds premier fruit based fighting force, Bananaman by the awesome talent of Wayne Thompson, and poor old George is feeling a bit flat but hey there's pizza!

Back to it's usual page count and cover price of £1.50 you can't go far wrong picking up a copy of the UK's longest running weekly comic.


Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Aaarrff! Me Hearties!

All aboard the Black Flea for Dandy day!

Todays bumper issue sees the debut of my new series 'Sea Dogs', with a puzzle page chucked in too for good measure!

I'm having great fun doing this strip and rest assured it gets a lot sillier as the weeks go by.

This strip sees a different style for me, it's the first time I've done a funny animals comic and having done this I think it's a direction I'd like to explore further.

This issue also sees the return of 'Strictly come Laughing' winner 'Harry and His Hippo'.
and Jamie Smarts, 'Pre School Prime Minister'


Monday, 23 May 2011

Beryl the Peril's adventures continue this week only on Facebook.

Fellow Dandy scribbler Andy Fanton has posted this sneak peek of his installment of 'Pass the Peril' on his blog.

Why not check out Beryl on and if you have any ideas for Beryl's next installment, then why not post them up on the Dandy's page or drop the editor an email:

The chosen idea will be drawn up by our next mystery artist!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Pass the Peril

I'm pleased to announce that a new version of Beryl the Peril hits the interweb today.

Here's the official blurb:
Drum roll please.... here's the first part of our new Pass the Peril online comic strip! Steven Beckett kicks us off with his take on Beryl the Peril! Now it's up to YOU to decide what happens next! Email in your suggestions by midnight Friday and our next mystery artist will choose the best one, draw it and post up the next part on Monday!

I was really happy to be one of four artists chosen to be involved in this, and it is a thrill for me to bring the first installment to you. Each artist is encouraged to bring their own unique style to the project and you can see my 'Beryl' pictured. Check out the strip here : Pass the Peril.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

New series on the way very soon.

I had confirmation today that my new series for The Dandy will start in 3 weeks time.
I can't wait to see it. I'm really excited about it. I hope you all enjoy it too.

More details soon, I don't want to spoil things too much. I will say it's unlike anything I've done previously.

Watch this space.


Thursday, 28 April 2011

What it's all about!

One of my passions in life is to encourage kids and young people to be excited about drawing and expressing themselves through art. Be it with comics or more traditional methods.

In this weeks issue of The Dandy I had a lovely surprise when I saw this drawing published on the mailbag page. This young Dandy fan has drawn all his favourite characters and it was a real thrill for me to see the inclusion of my character Daredevil Dad!

For me, this is what drawing comics and entertaining children is all about.


Sunday, 10 April 2011

Who Stays?

The Dandy's 'Strictly Come Laughing ' contest is now in it's final week. Ending midnight 16th April the strip with the most votes stands to be commissioned for a full series and will become a Dandy regular.

Which is a big deal to all concerned. Us freelance cartoonists work really hard to come up with fun original and above all entertaining comics for you to enjoy, and any break can be a in real terms a financial lifeline.

We love the work we create and to see a character we have created and become attached to come to an end in such a way as this is frankly a bit upsetting.

This weeks Dandy is still on sale until Wednesday and if you haven't yet checked out the 4 contending strips in this competition please do so. They are all strong contenders and all deserve a longer run.

It's all good fun and for the individual(s) who win, it could provide a much needed boost to their career so please vote wisely. Once your mind is made up go here and cast your vote. I will add that of course I would dearly love to write and draw more Daredevil Dad stories but you dear readers are judge, jury and executioner.... Who Stays? You Decide!
Most of all ENJOY!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Daredevil Dad's Last Stunt?

On sale today! The Dandy this week features the final round of 'Strictly Come Laughing'. This means this will be Daredevil Dad's last appearance in the comic unless he can win your votes.

I would hate to see him killed off after only 6 episodes but it's out of my hands and over to you dear readers.

Do you want to see more of Dad's crazy stunts?

Will he stay? You decide! Cast your vote here.
you don't have to register or give any details to do so, so what have you got to lose? VOTE VOTE VOTE!

Many Thanks

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

The very talented, budding comic strip creator Harry Rickard posted me this brill birthday card yesterday.

He's done a great job on Daredevil Dad and even captured my likeness!

Thanks Harry.

Voting is going well with Daredevil Dad creeping back up after plummeting into second yesterday. The competition is almost over. So please keep casting your votes at

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Anyone for Ice Cream?

A middle aged man, dressed as Evel Knievel, popping across the road to buy an ice cream....

What could possibly go wrong?

Find out in this weeks Dandy. On sale today.

The 'Strictly Come Laughing' competition is really hotting up! Rival competitors Harry and His Hippo are giving 'ol Daredevil Dad a real run for his money with only a few votes between the two!

Who Stays? You Decide?

Monday, 28 March 2011


I want to say a big thank you to all who have voted for Daredevil Dad.
Over the weekend he went flying into the lead.

Lets' hope he can stay up there over the next few weeks. I received my complimentary copy of this weeks Dandy this morning and it's a cracking issue. More on this on Wednesday.

Hope you're enjoying the competition as much as I am. Remember guys VOTE DAD!!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

THIS WEEK Daredevil Dad's Polar Challenge!

This week in The Dandy, Daredevil Dad is on a polar challenge!

Why not pop to the shops and see what happens to everyone's favourite stunt crazed parent.

The voting poll is now working properly and those wrestling maniacs Tag Team Tastic are now in the lead!!

Dad is lagging behind in third place but is catching up fast, now only 11 points behind second place contestant Harry and his Hippo!!

It's all to play for so go VOTE for your favourite strip TODAY!! You know who...

No, not the blinking Hippo!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

KA-POW it's Dandy day

This weeks Dandy sports a rather nifty cover staring the mighty Bananaman.

This is the best cover of the relaunched run so far and I reckon a few more copies maybe shifted this week because of it.

Daredevil Dad continues, let's just say it's a good job mum went to Iceland!

In the voting poll Dad has broken the 100 votes mark and at the time of writing is only 38 votes behind the leader Harry and his Hippo. (Not counting the beserk Robot on Run).

If you enjoy Daredevil Dad then please do vote! (warning the Dandy online poll is still being a bit temperamental but votes are getting through so keep trying).

Monday, 21 March 2011

Robot Runs Amok

If you have been following The Dandy's 'Strictly Come Laughing' competition you will have probably noticed the online voting poll has gone slightly awry.

Robot on the Run a comic strip not actually in the competition is now winning the poll! Hence todays cartoon. The Dandy are on the case and the online polling page is due to be sorted out soon.

Robot on the Run is created by the very talented Alexander Matthews.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

THIS WEEK... The School Run.

It's Wednesday! It's Dandy Day! It's Daredevil Dad Day! Hooray!

This week only in The Dandy, to Leon's utter horror Daredevil Dad does the school run!

Better fasten those seat belts!


And remember... VOTE DAD! HERE

Monday, 14 March 2011

Vote Potty Head!

Here's another plug for The Dandy's 'Strictly Come Laughing' competition.

There still appears to be a few gremlins in the online voting system at which I'm hoping will be exterminated soon.

Some readers votes seem to be getting registered where as other are not due to a glitch. I'll keep you posted if I find out more.

Anyway enjoy Daredevil Dad being verbally abused by that naughty finger!

Phil's Finger is created by Chris McGhie.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Crikey, it's Dandy day!

Daredevil Dad's adventures continue today in the 2nd round of The Dandy's 'Strictly Come Laughing' competition. This week we introduce two more members of Dad's family. Hope you continue to enjoy the strip. I will keep you posted when the voting begins.

Vote Dad!


Monday, 7 March 2011

Seconds Out... Round 2

The Dandy's 'Strictly Come Laughing' competition continues on Wednesday.

To celebrate I've knocked up a quick cartoon to drum up your support for my entry in the competition.

Here is Daredevil Dad battling rival contestants Tag Team Tastic whose adventures are usually brought to you by Robin Etherington and Warwick Johnson Cadwell.


and remember VOTE DAD!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Daredevil Dad vs Hippo

One day to go until Daredevil Dad leaps into action in the pages of The Dandy.

Dad is part of the comics 'Strictly Come Laughing' competition.

So if you enjoy the adventures


Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Dare to Read Next Week's Dandy?

Crash Helmets at the ready... I'm pleased to announce that Daredevil Dad will begin to thrill Dandy readers next week!

Here he is, his first appearance on the back page of this weeks issue along with the return of Harry and His Hippo, by Dandy fave Andy Fanton.

If you enjoy the strip please let me know and more importantly let The Dandy know!

Who Stays? You Decide!

Friday, 18 February 2011

Friday, 11 February 2011

Dandy days

Well I must say things are going just Dandy these days.

Over the last month I've written and drawn 3 two page strips for The Dandy annual 2012 and am now embarking on my second series for the weekly!

I've got to keep it all under wraps, but I can say I'm really pleased with the way the comics are turning out. Now I just need to see some of it in print!

My first 6 part series for The Dandy should be appearing anytime in the next few weeks so I'll keep you posted.
