Thursday, 18 August 2011

Comic Cuts: Brit Creators Reminisce!

Ace comic news site Broken Frontier are celebrating British comics with a week long flurry of articles and interviews. The Dandy gets some coverage with an insightful interview with editor in chief Craig Graham. A number of creators reminisce about their childhood favourites. I was pleased to be invited to contribute and you can read my few words here.


Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Final voyage?

Shed a tear comics fans. The Sea Dogs end their current voyage today in The Dandy. Hopefully the strip has been popular enough for a return voyage soon?

I have a new 6 part mini strip starting very soon in The Dandy so watch out for that!

Hooray for comics!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Rolf On..

This idea was rejected by the Dandy comic, but I liked it so drew it up anyway and here it is for you to enjoy... or not?


Saturday, 13 August 2011

Beryl the Peril - A box office smash!

Here is my second Beryl the Peril strip which kicked off the second of The Dandy's - Pass the Peril collaborations. Pleased with the way this turned out and hopefully I will get the chance to do some more.
